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Traditional asset management focuses on managing investments in financial instruments like stocks and bonds. Meanwhile, crypto asset management involves managing digital asset investments like cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based projects.

Crypto is considered a digital asset, much like NFTs and other tokens. According to the IRS, it’s counted as a “convertible virtual currency”, as it holds an equivalent value in fiat currency. It can be traded, exchanged into fiat currencies or other digital assets, or used to pay for goods and services.

An asset manager for cryptocurrencies is involved with performing market trend analysis, crafting and executing investment strategies for your digital asset, evaluating a client’s risk appetite and investment goals, creating a portfolio of their digital assets, and managing potential risks.

Crypto asset management allows investors and traders to access crypto investment strategies, helps improve their liquidity, provides investing options based on their unique requirements and objectives, gives them access to diversified digital asset portfolios, and offers them professional advice.